A hexagonal 88 feet tall "Sri Aurobindo Meditation Hall" with lotus roof topped by a 20 feet diameter Globe with stainless steel ribs is a uniquely thin cellular R.C.C. structure of engineering marvel. The lotus roof with stainless steel Globe on its head symbolises Sri Aurobindo uplifting the Mother earth to the supramental truth and light. The inauguration of this monumental edifice by Shri. S.M. Krishna, then Chief Minister, Karnataka was on 11th June 2000.
Meditation Hall resembling the lotus bud with of Sri Aurobindo’s Relics placed at the centre of the hall symbolising Flaming Aspiration from below in the Human Heart and the Divine Grace from above.
This hall is Open to Public for Meditation from 8 a.m. to 12.00 noon and 4.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. on every day. Marble platform of relics will be specially decorated with flowers on Darshan days and other important occasions. There shall be group meditation on all the significant days.