Sri Aurobindonean movement in Karnataka was ushered into existence way back in 1914 by a few noted Kannada literary devotees such as Gnana Peetha Awardee Dr. D.R. Bendre, Halasangi Channamallappa, pen - named as "Madhura Channa", Shankar Gowda Patil, V.K. Gokak, Dr. R.S. Mugali, Sri S.S. Malwad, Sri N.K. Kulkarni, Simpi Linganna, A.V. Shastry, Dr. R.R. Diwakar,
Sri. P.B. Naregal, Sri Nagaral, Sri Basappa Akki etc., through a small group called as Friends Group (GelayaraBalaga) under the leadership of Late Dr. D.R. Bendre. Local study centers in different parts of the state sprouted themselves and restricted their activities only for the serious study of the teachings and Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother and to print and publish a few books and periodical magazines in Kannada.
The devotees used to visit Pondicherry, then a French colony with hardships and used to return being temporarily charged by the spiritual atmosphere as well as the unique darshan of the enlightened Lord
Sri Aurobindo and The Mother at Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry. However, after the withdrawal of Sri Aurobindo in December 1950, the intellectual community of Karnataka had a lulling period for a long time for reasons best known to them. A few dedicated devotees of Karnataka who decided that Poornayoga is the only hope of man, went to Pondicherry with the prior permission of the Divine Mother and settled there at Ashram. Some local study centers led by a few dedicated devotees as stated above continued their existence.


Then by 1992 - 93, the II stage of revamping the state unit of
Sri Aurobindo Society started by the merger of Sri Aurobindo Society, Karnataka into the Sri Aurobindo Society State Committee with Late Justice E.S. Venkataramaiah, former Chief Justice of India as the chairman in place of Sri B.D. Jatti who relinquished the post himself on health grounds. The revamping and rejuvenation of the local centers, zonal centers and the State Committee went on vigorously up to 1996 with strong support from Sri Vijay K. Poddar and Sri Pradeep Narang.
Sri Aurobindo Society State Committee Karnataka, with its head quarters at Aurobindo Complex coordinates all the 40 centers of Karnataka. Following activities are being taken up by the state committee in the state of Karnataka.
Publication of “Akhil Bharat Patrika” a Kannada monthly magazine, translation of writings of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother in kannada to reach rural areas, distribution of books pertaining to the teachings of
Sri Aurobindo and The Mother to its centers, opening of new centers, adopt and integrally develop a village under rural development program in the light of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, propagation of immortal messages of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother through various media forms.